Erectile Dysfunction Treatment Canada | ED Treatment Online
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Erectile Dysfunction Treatment - ED Treatment Online

  • Multiple effective customised treatments
  • 100% secure and confidential
  • Expert doctors and specialists
  • 1st line to 4th line treatment options

What is ED?

Erectile dysfunction is a sexual dysfunction characterised by the inability to develop or maintain an erection of the penis during sexual performance.

Do I need to speak to a Dr?

Your erection is often directly related to your overall health and wellbeing. Consider a failing erection a possible early warning sign of a more serious medical condition. Our doctors will ensure that the underlying cause is uncovered, addressed, and the treatment plan is quick and effective.

What causes ED?

Erectile dysfunction is also correlated with a range of specific diseases and medical conditions. These can include:

  • Diabetes
  • Heart conditions
  • Increased blood pressure (hypertension stage 1 or more)
  • Obesity
  • Ageing
  • Hormonal
  • Stress
  • Anxiety and depression
  • Medicine induced ED
  • Substance abuse
  • Damage to pelvic organs
  • Peyronie’s disease

Lifestyle factors and ED

There’s a clear correlation between many lifestyle factors and erectile dysfunction. Many things that are generally unhealthy for our bodies tend to also inhibit our body’s ability to get and maintain an erection.

Erectile dysfunction can be caused by lifestyle factors such as:

  • Being overweight
  • Poor diet and exercise
  • Inadequate sleep
  • Little or no exercise
  • Stress and high-pressure environments
  • Relationships


Is ED treatable?


Initial Consultation

You’ll speak to our expert medical practitioners about your history and any other chronic illnesses either over the phone or at our clinic. All our consultations are 100% confidential.


Testing & treatment plan

This is an important part of the process as we often uncover the underlying cause and put together the best possible customised treatment plan.


Treatment & monitoring

For most of our patients, their first treatment is successful at resolving their symptoms quickly and effectively. However, part of our customisation process is trialling several options in order to find the best for your individual circumstances.

Erectile Dysfunction FAQs


Generally speaking, if you cannot gain an erection strong enough for penetration at least 50% of the time you should be screened for erectile dysfunction. Erectile dysfunction is primarily diagnosed through a comprehensive medical and sexual history. Some additional tests and possibly a physical examination are also required when erectile dysfunction is secondary to other pathologies and chronic illnesses.


Generally speaking the terms have the same meaning however impotence is more often used to signify a more serious case of ED. It is often used to describe a condition where a man cannot get an erection at all.


There are many different ways to treat ED and effective treatment should always begin with uncovering the underlying cause. Vityl Men's Health Clinic takes a unique approach to treating erectile dysfunction. The first step is always a comprehensive medical consultation and psychological screening to discover what treatment methods will be most effective for you and most importantly, to uncover if there is something more serious causing your ED. Once we have established a baseline and potentially an underlying cause we co-ordinate the treatment process for you so that we can find you the most effective treatment and strength. It could be a treatment from a variety of treatment options and delivery methods. It all depends on you and your body. As you progress along your treatment plan, it may be possible to reduce your treatment plan and wean you off medication for good.


As with many medical treatments, there can be side effects during treatment for ED. Some of these side effects are more likely to occur when higher dosages are used and they usually don't last for long and may subside with use. They include headache, facial flushing and upset stomach. If you experience symptoms that are concerning, seek medical help immediately. ED medications may cause other side effects besides those listed here.


Erectile dysfunction is often a symptom of a more serious underlying condition. It can result from a problem with the brain, hormones, emotions, nerves, muscles, or blood vessels. Stress and mental health problems can also contribute to ED. Common causes include heart disease, clogged blood vessels (atherosclerosis), high cholesterol, high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, metabolic syndrome (involving increased blood pressure), body fat around the waist, Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, low T, Peyronie’s disease (development of scar tissue inside the penis), certain medications, tobacco use, alcoholism and other forms of substance abuse, treatments for prostate cancer or enlarged prostate, and surgeries or injuries. 


ED is the abbreviation for erectile dysfunction. Erectile dysfunction is when you have difficulty gaining and/or keeping an erection. The lack of erection in the penis is either congenitally or secondary to any disorder. It can be occasional or frequent erectile dysfunction.


ED is the inability to develop or maintain an erection during sexual performance. If you cannot get a strong, reliable erection at least 50% of the time then you may be suffering from ED.